Zespół Ions Monit
The IonsMonit team

The IonsMonit team was established in 2017. Its activity began with a project concerning the creation of a mathematical model that would enable the monitoring of process bath contamination in electropolishing. The project is financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the LIDER programme.

About us

Members of the team: Paweł Lochyński, DSc., Eng. – specializes in electrochemistry, water and wastewater treatment;  Paweł Wiercik, DSc., Eng. – specialist in water and wastewater treatment, Edyta Łyczkowska, DSc., Eng. – specialist in electrochemical processing, Maciej Karczewski, MSc. – specialist in mathematical statistics, and Sylwia Charazińska, MSc., Eng. – specialist in environmental engineering.

The team focuses mainly on research in electrochemistry, wastewater treatment, monitoring and optimisation of electrochemical polishing processes – electropolishing in laboratory and industrial conditions. The main asset of the IonsMonit team is the diverse experience of individual members.





The Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy

Institute of Environmental Engineering

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

pl. Grunwaldzki 24,
50-363 Wrocław

Project assumptions

The overall goal of the project is to develop an innovative multifactor mathematical model enabling monitoring of bath contamination used in the electropolishing process of austenitic stainless steels. This model will allow optimization and reduction of process costs and will have an impact on reducing environmental pollution during electrolytic polishing of austenitic stainless steels.

The final outcome of the project will consist in the development of a method of monitoring the gradual contamination of the electropolishing bath.


Zespół zajmuje się badaniami z zakresu elektrochemii, oczyszczania ścieków, monitoringu i optymalizacji procesów w warunkach laboratoryjnych i przemysłowych.

Zróżnicowane doświadczenie poszczególnych członków zespołu IonsMonit jest jego siłą.



Project: “A pioneering model for monitoring pollution of electropolishing process baths (IonsMonit)” financed by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the Lider programme.