Paweł Wiercik, DSc., Eng.,

Paweł Wiercik, DSc., Eng., graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences in 2007. In 2011 he obtained a doctoral degree in Agricultural Sciences, specialising in environmental protection and engineering at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Engineering, where he has been employed since 2012.


Cite asTitleAuthorsPublishedKeywordsContentrok_wyd_hfilter
A new approach to assessing the ageing process of strongly basic anion-exchange resins: Preliminary research.
A new approach to assessing the ageing process of strongly basic anion-exchange resins: Preliminary research., , , , , , , , ,

Using laser granulometer to algae dynamic growth analysis in biological treated sewage
Using laser granulometer to algae dynamic growth analysis in biological treated sewage, , , , , , 2017-en
Algae proliferation on substrates immersed in biologically treated sewage
Algae proliferation on substrates immersed in biologically treated sewage, , , , , ,

Characteristics of particle size distribution in suspensions contained in spent filter backwash water collected on different stages of iron and manganese removal filter backwashing. [Charakterystyka rozkładów wielkości cząstek zawiesin zawartych w popłuczynach pochodzących z różnych faz płukania filtrów do odżelaziania i odmanganiania]
Characteristics of particle size distribution in suspensions contained in spent filter backwash water collected on different stages of iron and manganese removal filter backwashing. [Charakterystyka rozkładów wielkości cząstek zawiesin zawartych w popłuczynach pochodzących z różnych faz płukania filtrów do odżelaziania i odmanganiania], , , , , , , ,

Analysis of particle size and fractal dimensions of suspensions contained in raw sewage, treated sewage and activated sludge
Analysis of particle size and fractal dimensions of suspensions contained in raw sewage, treated sewage and activated sludge, , , , , ,

Effect of iron and manganese content on granulometric composition of suspensions in backwash effluent from filters used for groundwater treatment. [Wpływ zawartości związków żelaza i manganu na skład granulometryczny zawiesin w popłuczynach z filtrów do oczyszczania wód podziemnych]
Effect of iron and manganese content on granulometric composition of suspensions in backwash effluent from filters used for groundwater treatment. [Wpływ zawartości związków żelaza i manganu na skład granulometryczny zawiesin w popłuczynach z filtrów do oczyszczania wód podziemnych], , , , , 2013-en
Use of iron(III) chloride sulfate for the treatment of filter backwash water. [Badania nad zastosowaniem chlorosiarczanu żelaza(III) do oczyszczania popłuczyn z filtrów do odżelaziania i odmanganiania wody]
Use of iron(III) chloride sulfate for the treatment of filter backwash water. [Badania nad zastosowaniem chlorosiarczanu żelaza(III) do oczyszczania popłuczyn z filtrów do odżelaziania i odmanganiania wody], , , , , 2011-en
The use of the aeration process for upgrading the efficiency of suspended solids sedimentation during groundwater treatment. [Zastosowanie napowietrzania do poprawy skuteczności sedymentacji zawiesin powstaja̧cych podczas oczyszczania wód podziemnych]
The use of the aeration process for upgrading the efficiency of suspended solids sedimentation during groundwater treatment. [Zastosowanie napowietrzania do poprawy skuteczności sedymentacji zawiesin powstaja̧cych podczas oczyszczania wód podziemnych], , , , , 2009-en





The Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy

Institute of Environmental Engineering

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

pl. Grunwaldzki 24,
50-363 Wrocław

Project assumptions

The overall goal of the project is to develop an innovative multifactor mathematical model enabling monitoring of bath contamination used in the electropolishing process of austenitic stainless steels. This model will allow optimization and reduction of process costs and will have an impact on reducing environmental pollution during electrolytic polishing of austenitic stainless steels.

The final outcome of the project will consist in the development of a method of monitoring the gradual contamination of the electropolishing bath.


Zespół zajmuje się badaniami z zakresu elektrochemii, oczyszczania ścieków, monitoringu i optymalizacji procesów w warunkach laboratoryjnych i przemysłowych.

Zróżnicowane doświadczenie poszczególnych członków zespołu IonsMonit jest jego siłą.



Project: “A pioneering model for monitoring pollution of electropolishing process baths (IonsMonit)” financed by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the Lider programme.